If the 2012 statistic can be believed, Americans over the age of 2 watch TV an average of ...
4 to 5 hours a day,
28 to 34 hours a week,
1,456 to 1,768 hours a year.
two per house hold so there is 8602,522 there is two per hosehold so there should be 8,602,522 in Colorado
On average, Americans may watch more TV than Europeans due to cultural and lifestyle differences. Factors such as the availability of TV shows, advertising, and leisure preferences can contribute to higher TV consumption in the U.S. compared to Europe.
2 hours one hour for news and the other 4 whatever.. :)
On average, around 120 million people in the United States watch television each night. This number can fluctuate based on factors like programming, special events, and viewer preferences.
Honestly, it depends on what sort of teenagers you're looking at. I'd say someone who has tons of friends, lots to do, doesn't have much time for lingering - they wouldn't really. But teenagers who are more chilled out, have more time to spare, they probably would. So it's about one quarter of the population, potentially more. (:
About 40% of students watch TV right after school.
The average price to watch project tv is $9.99 a month.
The average child warches 6 hours of television a day, the average person watches 3-5
OECD's "Communications Outlook 2007" Sites 8 hours and 11 minutes. We truley are the boob tube capital of the world.
On average, American children (2-11) watch about 24 hours of TV a week, teens 12-17 watch about 20 hours, young adults 18-24 about 22, and adults 25 and up anywhere around 33+ hours. Its believed that the average American watches about 5 hours a day.
Mine cost me nothing - I don't watch TV.
It is possible to watch American TV channels in Kuwait. You can watch them via satellite dish or on the Internet.
9 years
It depends on how much or how little you do things. For example, a person can watch TV for 3 to 5 times or not watch it at all.
Studies have been done that have shown that teens do not watch as much television as you would think. This is due to technology. On average, a teen watches television 2 hours a day.
He used to be a big fan of it, but now he does not really get to watch TV very much....
You can watch American Dragon on Disney Channel. It does not come on during the daytime but they come on like at 3:00 in the morning. If you don't watch it on tv, you can watch it on the internet.