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Q: How many horses does mark todd have?
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How many horses does New Zealand horseman Mark Todd own?


Who inspired Mark Todd to do his sport?

The horses!

Who inspired mark todd?

Mark Todd wasn't inspired, but grew with a strong passion to horses. This passion kept him going for all these years.

How did Mark Todd get into horse riding?

He started when he was young. He just always liked horses, apparently.

Who inspired Mark?

Mark Todd wasn't inspired, but grew with a strong passion to horses. This passion kept him going for all these years.

How many olympic medals has Mark Todd won?

Have a look on Mark Todd's wikipedia, it tells you everything on wikipedia.

How many gold medals has Olympic athlete Mark Todd won?

mark todd has won 15 gold medals

How many medals does Mark Todd?


Why did mark todd became a horse rider?

Because his grandfather owned horses and borrowed a neighbours pony for Mark to ride on, then he joined pony club and it escalated from there

How many times has Mark Todd won Badminton?

Mark Todd has won Badminton Horse Trials four times! I cant believe it!

What was Mark Todd's childhood like?

Mark Todd spent his childhood growing up on a farm in New Zealand. He developed a passion for horses at a young age and started riding and competing in equestrian events. Todd's rural upbringing played a significant role in shaping his future as an accomplished eventing rider.

How many medals has mark todd won before?