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Q: How many holes should a parachute have?
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Does the amount of holes in a parachute affect the speed it travels?

yes, if the parachute has holes then it might go slow to were it's traveling

How does the size or shape of a parachute affect the way it works?

If the hole is bigger the parachute speed will decrease

Should you make a parachute a circle?

It depends on what you are going to make it as. So, ask yourself are you going to make a circle with holes then you should probably make it without. As, with an oval you could do that too.

What are some physical aspects that can be changed on a parachute?

If the parachute had holes, it wouldn't make any difference, you would still jump pretty high in the water

How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the shape of the parachute?

if the parachute is wider there will be more air resistance which slows things down and if there are holes the air can pass through which decreases air resistance. so the wider it is the slower it is.the lighter it is the slower it is

Should you put slits in your parachute?

if you mean slits has in tears then NO If you do that then your parachute will not work and you`ll die.

How many kinds of skydiving is there?

with a parachute or without a parachute. so 2.

How do you design a parachute for a middle school project?

For a middle school project, you should design a parachute that is the right size for a small action figure. You can make the parachute out of an old pair of parachute pants.

How many holes should you put on a paper aeroplane?

5 to 2 should do it!

How do you fly with a jet pack and not die when it runs out of fuel?

you should have a parachute

How many holes will the balls representing carbon have?

Since carbon can bond with up to four other elements at once, the model of carbon should have four holes.

What is the scariest thing you could ever do?

Watch a 16 hour teletubbies marathon. thats not true. maybe you but thats just sad so watev. anywho i think its probably go sky divivng then forgeting your parachute, jumping out with a parachute but it wont come out, or jumping out and the parachute comes out but it has holes in it so those you would die in! yikes. i know its a run on sentance but whatever. BYE