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15 minute half-time rest.

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Q: How long is the rest between halve times in soccer?
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How long is a soccer ground?

Between 90 and 120 metres.

Does 'have' have a short a or long a sound?

It has a short A as in has and had. It rhymes with calve and halve.

Does 'have' have a long or short a sound?

The A has a short A sound, as in had, has, halve and calve.

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How long is the rest period between a soccer match half's?

10 minutes

Is the a in have a short or long sound?

It is a short A sound, the same as in halve, to rhyme with salve and calve.

How long does an adult match last in soccer?

A soccer match consists of two 45-minute periods, which are called halves, with a 15-minute break in between.

Does 'have' have a long a sound?

No. Although the E is silent, the A sound is short as in had.It rhymes with halve and calve.

Does a have a long a sound?

No. Although the E is silent, the A sound is short as in had.It rhymes with halve and calve.

How do you get the area of a soccer field that is 110 m long and 85 m wide?

Area of soccer field: 110 times 85 = 9350 square m

Does the word have have a short a or long a?

Unlikely other silent E words, "have" has a short A sound, and is a homophone of halve.

Does the A in 'have' have a short or long sound?

It is a short A sound with a silent E. The word have rhymes with halve, calve, and salve.