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you have 8 seconds so dont dillie dallie

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Q: How long is a team given to move the ball from the baseline to the half court line?
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What is the name given to tennis short which is executed just after the ball drop?

When the shot is played just as the ball has hit the court, it's called a half volley.

How big is a half a court basketball court?

Many courts are equiped with side baskets on each side, as well as the regular basket. The orientation of the court using the side baskets is 90 degrees from the norm. If you were playing on a High School half court, the dimensions would now be 50 feet from baseline to baseline and 42 feet from sideline to sideline.

How many feet from the baseline to the net?

the whole court is 59.... so one side is 29 feet and half an inch.... hope that helped.... =)

How long does a player have in the NBA to bring the ball across the half court line?

You have ten (10) seconds to bring the ball past the half court line or you'll get called for a backcourt violation...

How many points do you get when you shoot a ball from half court in basketball?


What is the area called that you're not allowed passing or dribbling the ball back into after the ball has already crossed over the half court line?

back court.

How many refs in a basketball game?

There are three refs in an NBA game- one on the baseline, one near the sideline, and one near half-court.

If a player is dribbling the ball in the frontcou and steps over half court but the ball never crosses the line ie it is still being dribbled in the back court and then he steps back is that backcour?

Yes, we believe it would be considered an over and back because you are touching the ball when you cross half court.

How long is a tennis court?

The court is 78 feet from baseline to baseline (about 23.77 meters). The overall size of a tennis doubles court is 36 feet wide by 78 feet long. The singles court is slightly narrower measuring 27 feet wide. Both singles and doubles courts share the same length. The service court fits inside the singles width of the court (27 feet wide) and extends back from the net 21 feet. The service court is divided in half with a center line marking the left and right service courts. There is a 12 foot perimeter on each side (sidelines) and 21 feet back from each baseline.

What is cross court in tennis?

Cross court is more commenly known as back-courtHere is a quick definition:Backcourt violation or over & back violation- violation that occurs when the offensive team has brought the ball into the frontcourt, returns the ball into the backcourt once it has positioned itself in the front court: the offensive team crosses the half court line and then crosses back into the back court.As soon as a player from that team touches it in the backcourt , the ball is dead and is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.For more info go

How far back do you serve for vollyball?

if your on a basket ball court, then you would probably need to serve half of the width of the court.

What happens when you get a back court violation in basketball?

A back court violation when the offensive player with the ball steps behind the half court line after crossing it.