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Q: How is a javelin throw measured if does not stick into the ground?
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What is javelin?

A javelin is a long spere that you throw and it sticks in the ground and who ever threw the farthest and got it to stick in the ground wins.

How long is the javelin stick in the javelin throw?

It depends how high you throw it, the farther up, the farther it sticks in, also depends on how muddy the ground is.

What indicates a fair throw in javelin?

A fair throw in javelin is indicated when the javelin lands within the sector lines on the field. If the javelin lands outside these lines, the throw is considered a foul. The athlete must also stay within the throwing arc during the throw and cannot cross the foul line before the javelin lands to ensure the throw is fair.

How do you decide a winner in javelin?

They have to throw the javelin further than the rest of the competitors. once a person throws their javelin, the distance is measured and recorded. once everyone has thrown, the winner is determined.

What is the event called when you throw a stick as far as you could?

There is Javelin, and 3 more.

How long is the javelin stick?

men throw a javelin between 2.6 and 2.7 metres in length. -

What are the rules of javelin throw?

The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only

What do you throw in javelin?

in javelin you throw a long sick with a point called ajavelin

How do you throw the javelin?

to throw a javelin you need a tight grip and an accurate aim also a powerful throw

In what unit of measurement is a throw for a javelin measured?

Meters. In collegiate and professional levels, all throws (including javelin) are measured in meters to abide by the universal measurement of the rest of the world. Official records for these events are in meters but can be converted to the nearest feet and inches.

How is the winner decided at javelin throw?

To put it simply, the athlete who throws the javelin the farthest throw wins. If there is a tie, the person whose next best throw went the farthest wins. If still tied after this, then compare the third-best distance of the tied athletes and the athlete with the greatest third-best distance is awarded the higher place.