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Momentum affect jumping a great deal, that is why a standing long jump is significantly less that one taken at close to maximum speed. Usually the faster an athlete the longer he or she will jump, but jumping also depend not only on speed but also on how the athlete converts that speed in the last couple of strides. A jumper can negate their running speed by slowing down at the board, lengthening the strides at the board or by dropping the hips too low.

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Q: How does momentum effect jumping distance?
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How does momentum affect jumping?

Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

how does momentum effect jumping?

Momentum affect jumping a great deal, that is why a standing long jump is significantly less that one taken at close to maximum speed. Usually the faster an athlete the longer he or she will jump, but jumping also depend not only on speed but also on how the athlete converts that speed in the last couple of strides. A jumper can negate their running speed by slowing down at the board, lengthening the strides at the board or by dropping the hips too low.

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Momentum is directly proportional to the mass.

What is Mass times distance divided by time?

Momentum. Distance divided by time is speed. Mass times speed is momentum.

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Because momentum effect the ability of the driver to stop on time.

What is the average jumping distance of a male joey?

The average jumping distance of a male joey is difficult to determine as there are 40 different types of Kangaroos from the Wallabies to the red kangaroo. But in general, the average jumping distance is 35 ft.

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The average jumping distance of a baby kangaroo is 10 feet or less. The average jumping distance for an adult kangaroo is about 30 feet but they can jump as far as 40 feet.

How does velocity effect momentum?

if velocity increases, so does momentum. and vice versa momentum = mass x velocity increasing mass or velocity or both will increase momentum

How does momentum affect how far you jump?

you're body weight builds momentum which accelerates the speed and or distance

What muscle groups are used when jumping?

Your penis because it allows for a large boost of momentum, Source: Porn star

How do you decrease the momentum of an asteroid?

You can reduce its momentum by slowing it down. Fragmenting it - by blowing it up will not reduce the total momentum. However, the effect of each individual piece will be reduced.

What is the average jumping distance of a female joey?

The average jumping distance of a female joey is 25 to 30 feet. This is equivalent to between 7.62 m and 9.14 m.