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Gender also has an effect on physical activities because most sports are separated into two teams, a boys team and a girls team. In the case of professional sports like Basketball, it is impossible for a female to play on a men's basketball team; it is also impossible for a male to play on a woman's basketball team.

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Yes. Sports should not discriminate on race, religion, or gender.

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Prejudice, or pre (before) judging, a specific gender would be like saying "just because she's a girl means that she can't play sports." When in fact this is not true because you have never seen her play sports, and even if she is bad, that does not mean every girl is a bad sports player.

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Any person can play any kind of sports it u doesnt madder wat gender u are

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No, because it does not affect a persons motor skills or ability to play sports in anyway.

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Go for a walk. Play a dual gender sports like tennis.