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you woyld set it up on a pillow then lay a bag of ice with a towel wrapped over it for a little bit 8====D

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Q: How do you treat a thigh that got hit by a knee?
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What bone are you most likely to hit if you bang your knee?

If you bang you knee right below the knee cap (patella), you will hit your shin bone (tibia). If you hit right on the knee it will be your patella.

What is the most dangereuse sport in the world?

The most dangerous sport to me is baseball because the pitchers throw the balls really fast and if you are not paying attention you might get hit in some places you do not want to get hit in. I've played softball for four years and I have had fun playing it but, one time i got hit in the thigh and had to sit out until my thigh felt better. Next, year I am going to play in February and I am going to try not to get hit in my thigh again. This is why I think baseball is a dangerous sport.

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He got hit in the knee many times, and his leg with two arrows. Thats what killed him.

What does it mean when a guy hit you using his to hand to hit you on the thigh?

Playful love

Why do boys hit your thigh first?

why dont you ask them

What are the symptoms of runners knee?

There are many symptoms of runner's knee. These symptoms include pain in and around the knee cap, a grinding or clicking sound when the knee joint is bent or straightened and the area is sore to the touch.

When you bang your knee which bone are you most likely to hit?

your knee cap

Why do i have a purple bruise on my thigh?

you might have hit the corner of a wall

What kind of tool does a doctor hit your knee with?

Doctor's use a knee hammer to see how well your knee reflexes work

Hockey stick hit to the back of the knee?

k your knee hahaha mr. Armstrong

Why did tonya harding cheat in the Olympics?

she was a pro skater and she wanted to win o she payed omeone to hit her in the knee with a hammer or something and she won but got kicked out of the Olympics