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Basically, "mechanical wave" means that the wave involves actual movement of matter - as in a water wave or sound wave - as opposed to waves that consist of electrical currents, or electromagnetic waves.

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Q: How do you know the wave is a mechanical wave?
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What is a mechanical wave and a medium?

A mechanical wave is a wave the transfers energy through a medium If anyone know what a mechanical waves medium is add an answer to this question

How do you know the wave is mechanical?

It requires a medium through which to travel

Is a tidal wave a mechanical wave?

A tidal wave is a water wave so it is a mechanical wave.

Was the Kashmir earthquake caused by a mechanical wave or electromagnetic wave?

A mechanical wave.

Is an ocean wave mechanical wave?

Yes, an ocean wave is a mechanical wave, since the water is the medium of the wave.

is An electromagnetic wave is a mechanical wave/true or false?

True, because mechanical waves require a medium for propagation.

Which of the following is not a mechanical wave' a transverse a longitudinal or a electromagnetic?

An electromagnetic wave is not a mechanical wave.

Is a mechanical wave a transverse wave?

A mechanical wave is any wave pattern that results from one or many forces. A mechanical wave can be a transverse wave, such as seen on a violin string, or a longditudinal wave, such as sound waves.

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ultrasound wave is a wave due to mechanical vibration,

What are some mechanical wave?

Mechanical wave needs a medium to travel. Examples :- Sound Wave, Seismic Wave etc.

Are transverse and congressional waves a type of mechanical wave?

A transverse wave may, or may not, be a mechanical wave (electromagnetic waves are also transverse).I don't know about congressional waves; you may want to ask a representative of congress in your country.

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