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Swing your leg and kick it up but straight.

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Q: How do you get the ball to lift and go far in a goalkick?
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You go to the far left

How far can a base ball go?

it can go 5miles per hour

How many meters does the aluminum bat hit a ball?

It depends how accurately and how hard you hit the ball. If you hit the ball weakly, then it won't go far; If you hit the ball strongly, then the ball is most likely to go far unless the ball goes down and hits the ground early.

When you throw a ball what happens?

when the ball leave your hands it go into the air and foul back down and slow motions

Does height of a person throwing a ball affect how far the ball will go?

no it actuly helps im 9 5 feet1/5 and i throw hard and far

When a ping-pong ball is tossed under hand how far will it go?

Depending on strength and wind, the ball will probably go only 20 feet.

Does mud on a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce?

not as far as you know is not a good answer because it does not explain. the mud will make the tennis ball heavier and denser if it has water in it the ball heavy wont go far for its bounce.

Does a new or a old soccer ball go farther?

it doesn't matter. a band new soccer ball is as good as an old soccer ball. depending on how much air is in your soccer ball, you'll know how far it will go.

Best pokeball to catch regice?

honestly its a master ball butt if u can get it right an ultra ball will go far

How far does a soccer ball go with proper inflation?

A full inflated soccer ball can go a very large distance. It can easily cover 90-100m.

What is that game called where you shoot the ball on the long table and see how far it can go?


How does the temperature of a soccer ball affect how far you can kick it?

Yes it does affect it cold does not go as far as a heated ball