sand paper it (course type) and clean using water n dish cleaning liquid. if it still doesnt work, then it's time to change grips. :)
You firstly need to remove the old grips by cutting off with a Stanley knife and scraping off the old grip tape. You will need to secure the club in a rubber vice clamp. You then get put a piece of grip tape on the end of the shaft with about half an inch overlap, which you then fold together and tuck into the butt end of the shaft, you then spray or pour grip solvent, petrol or white spirit on to the grip and then put plenty in the actual grip (whilst plugging the bottom of the grip with your thumb) shake well then pour the liquid over the grip tape. You line the grip up, and squeeze the end to get it started, then use your thumbs to apply pressure to the grip as you slide it up the shaft without stopping. You then take it out of the vice and stand at address to check the grip is alligned perfectly.
If they are loose you will most likely have to take them off. It will twist during your swing and open/close the clubface resulting in a poor shot. If they are newly done and your local pro did them take them back. If you did them, ask him to try and take them off and then regrip them.
While white spirits can be used to remove old grip tape and residue from golf clubs, it is not recommended to use them for installing new golf grips. Using a gripping solvent specifically designed for golf grips will provide better adhesion and help extend the life of the grips.
Lamkin sells golf grips, including specialty golf grips, putter grips, cleaning wipes, and other types of grips. They also offer training on how to properly use the grip.
There are many places online that have information on good or even great golf club grips. One of the best sites with information on these club grips is Google Reviews.
Unfortunately not, you can not use these grips at any level of official competition. The grips are against the rules because they have fixed hand positions.
In the earlier days, leather was the material selected for golf club grips. They are still available today, but quite rare and expensive compared to other grips.
Simply warm soapy water! Work from the club head end up to the butt of the grip, use a cloth just to clean the build up away and then use a clean towel to dry it, working from the bottom up.
use sand paper on them
Golf Pride VDR Red
You shouldn't really use any house hold cleaner on golf club grips as it will destroy them, enjoy the mild ones. A clean towel and clean water is absolutely perfect. You can buy some specialist golf grip cleaners over the internet or in golf shops.
The best thing to do is clean the grips. This can be done easily, get some liquid soap and and nail brush, clean the grips, wash off and dry thoroughly with a towel. If your grips are shiny you should probably replace them, grips should be replaced every 40-50 rounds.