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Plants convert CO2 to O2 in air. The green pigment in their leaves is due mainly to chloroplasts. These help to absorb light and use this energy to convert CO2 back to O2 (a thermodynamically unfavourable reaction)

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Q: How do plants maintain the balance of o2 and co2 in the atmosphere?
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Related questions

What maintains the balance of CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere?

plants maintain balance of co2 and o2 in the atmosphere..

How do plants and animals maintain a balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The balance can be maintained through their deaths which means they have fossil fuels which get mined and combusted back into CO2 again.

Explain the carbon cycle with the help of a diagram In what way human activities have altered the balance of carbon cycle?

1.carbon is present in the form of co2 in the atmosphere. 2.It is used by green plants in the form of photosynthesis. 3.co2 is returned back to the atmosphere by the respiration of both plants and animals. 4.Death and decomposition of plants and animals also release co2 in the atmosphere. 5.Burning of fossil fuels,volcanic eruptions and action of acid rains of carbonate rocks all release co2 in the atmosphere. 6.Thus this is the exchange of the carbon in the atmosphere and nature.

Why do plants and other photosynthetic organisms need CO from the atmosphere?

Why do plants and other photosynthetic organisms need CO2 from the atmosphere?

How would the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changing if there were no plants?

There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

How does the balance between CO2 and oxygen benefit the both plants and animals?

co2 helps the plants which create oxygen which helps us

How would the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere change of theres no plants?

There would be significantly more CO2 in the atmosphere because plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis and fix the carbon into glucose.

Why do plants need atmosphere?

Surface plants require gaseous CO2. Note - seaweed doesn't.

Can you eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

When there is enough vegetation and a balanced amount of CO2 being put in the atmosphere, there will be a perfect balance. CO2 is necessary in our atmosphere but just like anything else, too much of anything is not good. Vegetation (plants) use CO2 for the process of Photosynthesis (the production os starches and sugars) and emit Oxygen as a by product. You just cannot eliminate CO2, just like Nitrogen, it is a gas that is essential to mankind's survival.

What process uses fossil fuels and is upsetting the balance of CO2 in the atmosphere?

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) by humankind is releasing extra carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. This is upsetting the natural balance of carbon cycle.

How plants influence the temperature?

Plants control all the CO2 consumptions ans these CO2 cause the warming of the planet. By controlling these amounts in the air plants help regulate the temperature of the atmosphere. That is why its said that if there are too many plants planted the atmosphere will remain cool and pleasant.

What will happen if deforestation continues to the green plants on the plants?

The excess CO2 in the atmosphere will increase global warming.