

How can wave energy be used?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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Several devices have been invented that can convert the motion of waves into electricity.
They all seem to work, but none have ever become financially viable.

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Q: How can wave energy be used?
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What wave energy is used with spectroscopes?

Visible Light is used with Spectroscopes.

Is wave energy used around the world?

Wave energy is being used all around the world. The Bay of Fundy in Canada, and the River Rance in France are the biggest.

What does a wave do?

It moves energy through space.

How are waves used?

You can use them with fishing or when your sailing. it will push your boat/fish round. Also, waves can be used to generate energy. This is a sustainable way to get energy, and is simply known as Wave Energy, or Wave Power.

Structure and functions of the equipment used to produce wave energy?

There are many different kinds of waves, and many different kinds of wave energy, and many different kinds of equipment used to produce such energy. For example, a lightbulb, since light is a form of electromagnetic wave.

What is a energy wave?

it is a wave that is formed by energy

What places can use wave power?

wave energy as in tidal energy? because it is being used! in France and planned for the bay of fundy in canada. erosion does present a problem but theyre working on it. No, wave energy is different. Can be used where there are sufficient waves.

What does wave energy convert into?

Electricity generated from wave energy (as in the energy of acean surface waves) can be converted into heat or light, or be used to power any electrical items (such as televisions, computers, radios, etc). Wave energy may also be used to mechanically power any number of other industrial processes, not just electricity generation.