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No, it has no effect.

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Q: Does the weight of a baseball bat determine how far the ball will travel?
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How does a softball player use math?

By calculating the the speed and the amount of power you put into hitting the ball will determine the distance the ball will travel

What is the actual weight of a baseball ball?

5-5.25 oz

When a soccer ball is kicked which accelerates faster the soccer ball or the foot?

The two will relatively travel the same speed, although the soccer ball may travel slightly faster do to its weight and size. So therefore the soccer ball will accelerate faster.

Does the weight of a baseball bat affect how far the ball goes when it is hit?

It depends on how hard you hit the ball. :0

Would the weight of a baseball bat effect how far the ball gos?


What is heavier a lacrosse ball or baseball?

A lacrosse ball is very different from a baseball. It is heavier and more bouncy. A baseball is light and stings when you get hit, a lacrosse ball is more of a thud since it is heavier. A lacrosse ball is not harder than a baseball, but it does hurt more when you get hit by one.

Does the weight of the softball and the baseball effect the speed?

Well if you throw a bowling ball and a golf ball, which is gonna go faster?

Is basketball easier than baseball If so how is it easier than baseball?

basketball is not easier than baseball. when hitting in baseball, you have to determine what pitch is coming to you, then you have to swing, then you have to make contact on the exact right part of the bat for the ball to travel. this is extremely difficult to do. clearly, hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports. therefore, basketball is not as hard as baseball.

Why does a spiral travel further than a whobby ball?

A spiral travels farther because it doesn't have an unbalanced weight.

What goes farther tennis ball baseball golf ball or ping pong ball?

Depends upon how much force is given when hit, kicked or thrown. The table tennis ball however has no mass to it at all, so it would travel the least distance no matter how much force was given at point of launch. A Golf ball can travel some 350 yards with the right angle and pro golfer.

Does the weight of a ball change with inflation?

Yes, it does. But the weight added by gas (if that is what is being used to inflate it) does not change the weight of an average ball very darn much. You'd have to have a really sensitive scale to actually find the weight of the air in the ball. In fact, someone working in the lab wouldn't weigh the thing. They'd use the size of the ball to find its volume and then look at the pressure and temperature of the gas in the ball and make a calculation to determine the weight of gas. It'd be a loooot faster and probably as accurate - if not more so.

What is denser than a tennis ball?

Golf ball