

Does football produce lactic acid

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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beacuse when a footballer start a match he uses glucose and when thats glucose runs out and ATP runs out you have no more energy and latic acid starts to build up in your legs and you get cramp

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12y ago

Soccer (Association Football) does not directly produce lactic acid. However, lactic acid is a byproduct of exercise, which is found in plenty in soccer.

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What do muscle cells produce when they are deprived of oxygen?

Muscle cells produce lactic acid when deprived of oxygen, which can lead to fatigue and muscle soreness. This process is known as anaerobic respiration.

When would your muscles produce lactic acid?

The muscles build lactic acid when you're doing strenuous exercise.

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce?

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce ATP as a form of energy for the cells. Additionally, both processes also produce waste products, such as lactic acid in lactic acid fermentation and ethanol in alcoholic fermentation.

When do people produce lactic acid?

When their muscles work

When muscles are deprived of oxygen what do they produce?

lactic acid

What organism does lactic acid occur in?

Lactic acid is produced by various organisms, including bacteria and muscle cells. In bacteria, lactic acid fermentation is a process that occurs when glucose is broken down to produce energy in the absence of oxygen. In muscle cells, lactic acid is produced during intense exercise when there is not enough oxygen available to produce energy through aerobic respiration.

What do both lactic-acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentaion produce?

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce energy (in the form of ATP) and end products that help regenerate NAD+ so that glycolysis can continue. Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid, while alcoholic fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Both lactic-acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce what?

Both lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation produce energy in the form of ATP and end products such as lactic acid or ethanol, respectively. These processes help to generate energy in the absence of oxygen.

How do bacteria make lactic acid?

Bacteria make lactic acid through a process called fermentation, where they convert sugars into lactic acid in the absence of oxygen. This process helps bacteria generate energy and survive in various environments. Lactic acid fermentation is commonly used in food production, such as in the fermentation of yogurt and sauerkraut.

Can Michael Phelps produce Lactic Acid?

Yes, Michael Phelps can produce lactic acid during intense physical exercise, just like any other human. Lactic acid is a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism when the body cannot supply enough oxygen to working muscles, leading to the conversion of glucose into lactic acid.

Human cells that undergo fermentation produce?

Lactic acid as a byproduct. This process helps in generating energy in the absence of oxygen.