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Q: Does every piece in chess have to capture diagonally?
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Which chess piece should only be moved diagonally?

The Bishop moves diagonally.

What is the function of the bishop in chess?

A bishop in Chess can move diagonally in any direction as the path is not obstructed by another piece.

Can you go straight in chess or go diagonally it capture someones opponents piece?

No, it cannot move unless it can capture or the blocking piece is moved out of the way.

How do you remove a piece in chess?

You capture it.

Is it possible to attack a chess piece with a pawn diagonally?

Diagonal attacking is the only way a pawn can capture another chess piece , besides a En Passant capture , since this is the only way a pawn can attack or threaten another chessmen . See related link below to additional information on how a pawn moves , attacks and captures .

How do you beat chess?

You capture the King piece.

Can pawns get people out in chess if going straight?

Pawns can only capture pieces forward-diagonally on either side. If it bumps head on against another pawn, the two are stuck until another piece removes one or the opportunity to capture to the diagonals presents itself.

Can a king take a non-threatening piece?

The king in chess may capture any other chess piece except the enemy king .

In chess how can pawns kill?

They attack forward only, diagonally one square per move, but only if there is an opposing piece there to be taken. Pawns cannot move backward.

What is the objective of chess?

The objective of chess is to checkmate the king, where the king is in check by a piece and it cannot block the check, move to another square, or capture the piece checking the king.

Can king capture any other chess piece during the game?

The king may capture any piece other than the king itself .

What is touch capture in chess?

Touch move means that if you touch a piece and it has a legal move you must play it. Touch capture means that if you touch a piece of your opponent's and you can capture it you must do so.