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high tops encourage with your ankle to be weak get low tops or mid tops youll run faster with those they let you r ankle move

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Q: Do high top cleats make you run faster than low tops?
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Do football cleats work better for baseball than baseball cleats?

For youth Baseball it probably doesn't make that much difference, but for adult baseball (high school ball and higher), metal baseball cleats are allowed and are more effective than plastic football cleats. Plus, they don't wear down as easily.

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Rubber cleats are always safer than metal cleats because it is softer and has a less chance of injuring someone.

What are the good things about metal cleats?

Metal cleats allow you to get better traction on the dirt as the dig into the dirt better than rubber cleats do. They also allow for better and faster changes of direction. They help to accelerate as they dig into the dirt rather then running on top of it, meaning you have more to push off of.

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F50 cleats they are the best Diego

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Yes, high pressure steaming is faster than atmospheric steaming

Are Adi Pure cleats better than Adi Power cleats?

it depends on u and for me Adi power cleats are better

What are the best football cleats for Fullbacks?

for left back it would be low low lying cleats. They are normal boots but with smaller cleats because the bigger the cleats the slower you run because it has less traction. And if the opposing team is about to score you need to help and get there faster than other players.

Are metal cleats better than rubber cleats?

if your playing on wet grass then yes

Can you wear soccer cleats as football cleats?

You can wear soccer cleats to play american football but it is less than ideal. Soccer cleats do not have a stud on the toe of the cleat like football cleats do. This make it much easier to run, cut and dig into the grass. Most football cleats are also higher and more supportive than soccer cleats. Although if you are a field goal kicker/ punter or kicker in American Football - they all wear soccer cleats. Basically you CAN wear soccer cleats to play American football but you CAN NOT wear American Football cleats to play Soccer.

What is the difference between baseball and football cleats?

Differences in Sports CleatsFootball cleats are the heaviest and most supportive. soccer cleats are light and fit your foot tighter than Baseball or football cleats. . Some soccer cleats are lighter than professional running shoes. Most soccer cleats are very thin but they don't were down easily. Baseball cleats are thicker and they have least pointy spikes because your mostly in the dirt. The most important distinction is that soccer cleats, unlike football and baseball cleats, do not have a cleat on the bottom of the toe.

Are cleats better than sneakers for running?

my best bet would be cleats for grass but sneakers for black top