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Q: Did mikhail gorbachev take over the Soviet Union?
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What event signaled a new era in the soviet union in march of 1985?

Mikhail Gorbachev became its leader. Over the next few years he brought in reforms that eventally led to the breaking up of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Who led the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War?

Mikhail Gorbachev. He and Reagan signed the treaty that end the cold war. Gorbachev also famous for his reformation movement in Soviet Union (USSR), Glasnot and Perestroika, that marked the beginning of the end of USSR as a country.

When was Mikhail Gorbachev president of the USSR?

Yeltsin is a Russian and was the head of Russia. Not US president.

What event led to the Soviet Union?

The Russian Revolution(1917), and the over throw of the Czar

Who was the president of the Soviet Union in 1989?

Mikhail Gorbachev was assigned the title of president on the 15th of march 1990. before that the title was Chairman of the Supreme Soviet. Following his resignation in 1991 the Soviet union formally dissolved.

What are some of the changes that Gorbachev made to the soviet economy?

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, with his economic awakening, and restructuring of the Soviet system "Perestroika" eventually helped to improve the efficiency of the country, along with international trade, which was not readily available before. Gorbachev was quoted as saying that perestroika was the "conference of development of democracy, socialist self-government, encouragement of initiative and creative endeavor, improved order and disciple, more glasnost, criticism and self-criticism in all spheres of our society. It is utmost respect for the individual and consideration for personal dignity." He then could not control Glasnost and perestroika. This led to the end of the Soviet Union and the fall of Communism in Europe. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics stopped existing on December of 1991.

Who the Soviet leader who was in control of the nation when World War 2 came to an end in 1945?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Alexei Kosygin, Anastas Mikoyan, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev... in order of appearance!!

How did the failed coup accelerate the break up of the Soviet Union?

August 19, 1991, a group of 8 Communist attempted to take over the country. The coup, failed after three days, and over the coming months, the Soviet Union devolved rapidly. Gorbachev lost political influence while Yeltsin steadily Gained influence. Your answer is the soviet union.

Where was dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov born?

Mikhail Nikolaevitch Baryshnikov was born on 28 January 1948 (i.e. 1/28/48 or 28/01/48), in Riga, Latvia. It was then part of the Soviet Union (i.e. USSR, sometimes mistakenly referred to as "Russia") but is now part of independent Latvia.

How tall was Mikhail Gorbachev?

In a Photo with Gorbachev, George H. Bush, and Ronald Reagan one can gather some insight to Gorbachev's height. George H. Bush towers over both Reagan and Gorbachev, however, Reagan is slightly leaned over, but so is Bush. If George H. Bush is about 6'2" or 6'3" and Reagan is somewhere near the 6' or 6'1" mark, one can comfortably place Mikhail Gorbachev at around 5'9" to 5'10". Mikhail Gorbachev: 5'10" I used this picture to draw my conclusions

How did the spirit of reform under Gorbachev in the Soviet Union spill over into Eastern Europe?

It was very contagious. The countries of Eastern Europe were excited for the changes and wanted to be a part of them as well.

Why did the Soviet Union collapse and dissolve?

The former Soviet Union collapsed when, in the mid-1980s, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (1931- ) allowed the economy to operate more like a free-market system than a Communist state (a form of government in which all property and means of production are publicly owned). Gorbachev made enemies with his policies. Some conservative Communist officials were angered by his decision and the hardships that were created in the transition to a less structured economy. They also disliked the loss of influence over neighboring countries, where communism was being over-thrown. On August 19, 1991, hard-line Communists attempted to topple Gorbachev's government. Although Gorbachev survived the attempt, his power was weakened, and soon the fifteen republics that made up the Soviet Union declared their independence.