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Yes... Mongolia, the USA, and the People's Republic of the Congo were all participants. The games inluded ball throwing and fish Wrestling.

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They didn't have a god of EVERY sport. There was Artemis the goddess of hunting and Ares the God of War, but that's all.

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yes the Young men did play in the olympic games

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Q: Did any other countries compete in the Ancient Greece Olympic Games?
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Which countries Competed in ancient Greek Olympic?


Why don't all the countries compete in the Olympics?

Because it's a pagan tradition from ancient Greece

Where did the athletes first compete?

History says that the very first Olympians competed in the Ancient Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece. The first Modern Olympic Games was held in April of 1896 in Athens, Greece.

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Did Greece compete in the Olympic games in 2008?

As of 2012, Greece has so far competed in every Olympic season.

What countries were at the first ancient Olympics?

the first olympic games were in greece and only greek atheltes were involved

Why did only Greece compete in the ancient Olympics?

One country- Greece.

Did the olympic games start in ancient Egypt?

No, the olympic games started in Ancient Greece

Where was the location of the Olypmian games in ancient Greece?

The place of the Ancient Olympic Games was Olympia in Ancient Greece

When the olympic games started did war happen in ancient Greece?

All wars were paused during the olympic games in ancient Greece.

When did they invented the Ancient Greece Olympic?

Its 435BC

Who could compete in the Ancient Greece Olympics?

men were the only ones alowed to compete