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He was a horrible man who executed his officers without reason. He set a plan to reach his goals that was to take five years. The plan was taking private land from farmers and making them move on huge collective farms. He wanted to gain all control of Russia. He would kill those who resisted.

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6y ago

Josef Stalin intentionally caused the starvation death in Ukraine (the Holodomor) of up to 10 million people in 1932-3 by seizing all the grain they had grown and exported it internationally to to help fund the current 5 year plan.

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13y ago

Generally Stalin treated his citizens like less than people, or rather more as a means of production. He implemented his 5 year plans (1928-33, 1933-37, 1938-41 with the last being cut short due to the invasion of Germany). When Russia was in World War II, his people were often used as a meat shield, (Russia took the largest of all world war II casualties) this can be illustrated by the ratio of 1 gun for 4 soldiers in the Red Army. Even obeying the law and keeping out of politics was no guarentee of safety (Stalin was very paranoid), Stalin was famous for killing all of his generals by sinking a ship they were on in the Vulga River.

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9y ago

Joseph Stalin was a ruthless ruler that did not treat his people fairly. He was known to spy on who he considered friends and enemies alike.

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