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The modern rules of football (called Soccer in North America) were developed in England. In 1863 the English FA wrote the rules for the game.

However, games involving kicking a round ball were played for thousands of years in other parts of the world

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6y ago

American Football did not originate in China.

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10y ago

Football has indeed started in China. It is not largely popular as of today in China because it is new.

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14y ago

NO it started IN England

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Q: Did Football originate in China
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What two sports did football originate from?

Soccer and Rugby

What first country in Europe did football originate from?

Football in its modern from originated in England. There were many earlier local games from which it originated.

What is football called in china?

ping pong

How was Football played in Early Greece?

It china that played ancient version of football...the English then invented football and made official rules in 1863

Where did mob football originate?

Mob football emerged during the Middle Ages in Europe. It was a local game tradition played annually by a few game rules.

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Where was football made in?

Football/soccer originate from China, but officially it started in England

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