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If the weight you are losing is muscle, yes.

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Q: Can your bench pressing strength decrease if you lose weight?
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Does bench pressing decrease your height?

no of course not

How much weight should you be bench pressing when you weigh 142 pounds?

I bench 190 for 5 reps and 185 for six reps and I weigh 142

Where can I buy a good weight lifting bench?

I am sure your husband will enjoy the gift of a weight lifting bench. sells weight lifting benches and also weights. For additional information: ... Strength Training Equipment Benches

What are junior high students recommended to lift in weight lifting?

It depends, but probably around 40-60 pounds (if you are bench pressing).

How much does timbaland bench press?

reported bench pressing 110lbs/50kg

Do you wear the belt when you're bench pressing or just when you're standing up?

Most people do not use a belt at all when bench pressing.

Does bench pressing tone your chest?

Bench press works your chest primarily but it also works triceps as a 2ndary mucels If you do higher reps with lower weight you will tone your chest and triceps If you do lower reps with more weight you will build your muscles bigger.

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Which exercise make your bicep gigger?

bench pressing.

Should 14yr old girls be bench pressing?


How much did the Powers of Pain bench press?

The Warlord was a member of the wrestling tag team Powers of Pain. The Powers of Pain are a professional wrestling tag team in the WWE. The Warlord was recorded bench pressing a total of 440 pounds.

What is power lifting?

The three lifts squat, bench press, and deadlift are used in powerlifting, a strength competition, in three attempts at their maximum weight.