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Hot Vs Cold Hot Vs Cold

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Q: Can you help me come up with a short but catchy title for my science project My project is how does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce?
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What pictures can answer the question How does temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

temperature does affect the bounce of a ball!

What materials do you need to make a project for the question How does temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

A freezer, oven, a room

Does the temperature affect the bounce of the ball?


Does the shape or size of a ball effect the bounce of it?

Does the size of the ball determine how high the ball will bounce? I need the answer for a science project.

How does temperature affect the height that a dropped ball bounces?

When the ball is at a low temperature, the molecules are not flexible and bounce only to a small height. On the other hand, if the ball is warm or at a higher temperature, it will bounce longer heights.

How temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball. show a bar chart?

Temperature does affect the bounce of a ball. I know this because I did an expiremnt on the exact same question. The hotter the temperature is, the more pressure builds up inside a ball and the more bouncier it will be. The colder it is, pressure decreaces making it bounce lower than what the ball bounced at room temperature. In conclusion, the ball bounces higher when it is warmer and it bounces lower when it is colder.

Your partner and you are doing your project on how can the temperature affect how high a tennis ball bounces?

i am not sure but when it gets hot balls tend to expand and preforme like flat balls but when its cold balls usually contract and get tighter and bounce higher.

Does the warm temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes. 'Warm' increases the elasticity. Cold decreases the elasticity. Extreme cold can make the substances brittle and not bounce at all.

Is sprite a substance?

or is sprite pepsi or etc because im doing a science fair project and im wondering what substance can make a egg bounce

If you store tennis balls at a warm temperature will it affect the rebound?

Yes it will effect the rebound height. It tends to bounce higher in a warm temperature because the molecules speed up and strike the inner core more and faster so this makes it bounce higher!

How does height affect bounce of a egg?

eggs don't bounce so, no

How does air temperature and air pressure affect your flexibility?

the temperature of a basketball effects it's bounce because the air partacles in the ball slow down causing it to lose pressure and it doesn't bounce as well. if a ball has more pressure it bounces better.