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The run does not count. This is a force out, not a "time" play. The tag by SS on runner going to 3rd is still a force. Regardless, the throw to 2nd is force out for the 3rd out. No run can score on a play in which the 3rd out is a force out. The time when the runner touches home is irrelevant. If the 3rd out was a "tag" play (not a force), then the run would count since the runner touched home before the 3rd out.

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13y ago
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14y ago

yes it does

But in the situation where the ball is thrown to first base witch would be a force out, even if the 3rd base runner has scored the run does not count!


WRONG. The run cannot count if the third out was made on a batter/runner before he reaches a base he was force to advance to. Doesn't matter if he was tagged or the ball was thrown to the base.

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14y ago

It is a force in the same way first base is forced after an out at second. This play, in reality, would probably never happen, as the catcher would usually just throw it to first to ensure two outs on the play.

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14y ago

If it was a ground ball, then it would be a force out.

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14y ago

Yes the run scores, it would be scored the same as if s runner was thrown out trying to stretch a single into a double and a run crossed the plate before the put was made

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15y ago

Out. Force play.

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Q: Bases are loaded ground ball to third the throw goes home for a force out the catcher throws back to third base is it a force or a tag play?
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What are the rules for baseball?

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