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Q: Are LEDC's less successful at football than MEDC's?
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What is LEDCs and MEDCs?


Why are people in MEDC's having less children than people in LEDC's?

Birth rate refers to how many children are born per 1000 people, so higher birth rates result from anything influencing this 'choice'. reasons why LEDCs have a higher birth rate are both due to a falling birth rate in many MEDCs as well as increasing birth rates in LEDCs. One: sex and age - If women are within child-bearing age (18-25 I suppose is accurate) they are more likely to have children and less likely to lose the child. This can explain differences between LEDCs and MEDCs as in LEDCs there is a greater proportion of younger women than in MEDCs in their population, which will in turn increase births per 1000 people. Two: Economic reasons. In MEDCs less people are having children, as they give an 'opportunity cost' (i.e. if a family have a child they may not be able to move into a larger house, for example, due to needing the money for raising the child). In LEDCs children can instead be seen as an economic asset, particularly in rural agrarian cultures where more children means an extra pair of hands to work the land. Both are significant; the first in deterring births in MEDCs and the second incentivising them in LEDCs. Three: Social reasons. Firstly, there is evidence to support that with gender equality fertility rates fall, thus birth rates also fall. It is the same with education of women. Both give women a choice on whether or not to have children, making it less of a part of life, which will inevitably lead to some deciding against having children. This is less the case in LEDCs, explaining why more women have children here than in MEDCs. Secondly, it can also be seen favourably for men to have a lot of children, pushing both men and women to have more children to achieve a higher social status (the case in many parts of Africa). Thirdly, if expectations are that half of your children will die before adulthood, you are likely to have more to ensure the family can continue - with higher infant mortality in LEDCs a lot of women choose to have more children to ensure that at least one survives (which is not the case in MEDCs). Finally, contraception plays a vital role both in availibility and willingness - certain cultures will frown upon contraception for religious reasons (many of these in LEDCs), and LEDCs are less likely to invest in family planning, so people are less aware of measures they can take to have less children.

Why is solar energy commonly used in Europe?

Most countries in Europe are MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) and therefore can afford to invest in solar power. Also MEDCs cause much of the CO2 emissions so they want to cut down and can cut down more than LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries)

Why are some countries MEDCs and others LEDCs for historical reasons?

Countries have become categorized as either More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) or Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) due to historical events such as colonization, industrialization, and global trade relationships. Colonization by stronger nations has often led to exploitation and underdevelopment of colonized regions, perpetuating economic disparities. Industrialization and access to resources have also played a significant role in shaping the economic status of countries. Global trade relationships that favor certain countries over others have further exacerbated these inequalities.

How MEDCs can help LEDCs?

There are a couple of things that the richer countries can do; 1. they could introduce short term and long term aid 2. they can reduce/ cancel dept 3. Introduce and encourge fair trade im sure theres a few things other things but i cant think of any. Try expanding on these first :)

Where are sweatshops found?

in LEDCs (less economically developed countries)

What are the differences between LEDC and MEDC countries?

LEDCs stands for Less Economical Developed Country. In general, LEDCs are non-industrial nations. They tend not to have a base of manufacturing industries and residents are less economically advantaged (i.e. poor). Another term for LEDCs is Third World nations. The majority of the world outside of Europe, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Israel, Japan and the former Soviet Block nations fall under this designation. MEDCs stands for More Economical Developed Country. MEDCs are industrialised nations with large scale industry and a high gross-domestic-product rating. Citizens of these countries are usually economically well off with a small chance of starvation. They are also referred to as First World nations. They include all of the nations listed above with the exception of the Soviet Block nations which are known as Second World nations. I hope this helps

How can traditions contribute to the inequality of MEDCs and LEDCs?

In development geography, geographers study spatial patterns in development. They try to find by what characteristics they can measure development by looking at economic, political and social factors. They seek to understand both the geographical causes and consequences of varying development. Studies compare More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) with Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs). Additionally variations within countries are looked at such as the differences between northern and southern Italy, the Mezzogiorno. Within development geography, sustainable development is also studied in an attempt to understand how to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs

Why is the birth rate so high in Brazil?

Brazil has a huge population because the enourmous country Brazil is, but there only live about 23 people per square km. You´ll maybe think that´s very little amount for cities like Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro etc... but for example in the Amazonas very little people live there. Less than 2 per square km this does that only life 23 people estimately per square km. The main reasons are because the weather and that people want to visit places like Brasilia, then they like it stay there and form a huge family which increases the population

How come the effects of a tsunami is worst on a LEDC?

There are many different reasons and each case is different but the main reasons that LEDCs are affected worse are:They have less money to spend on buillding defences and evacuation plansthe buildings are likely to be poorly constructed and will fall easilythe low literacy rates, secondary education and connection to internet and television networks means that less people are likely to know when the tsunami is going to be hit and how to deal with itLess planning regulation (slums) are likely to be built in places that will flood first meaning that death tolls will be largeThe main reason really though is that LEDCs are less prepared for the disaster then MEDCs

Do tsunamis affect medc or ledc?

The boxing day tsunami affected mainly LEDCs such as Bangladesh Sri Lanka and the maldives. However Newly Industalised countries were also affected such as India and Indonesia. MEDCs are better prepared anyway.

How does globalisation affect people in ledcs?

it makes led less developed and causes problems