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Q: A diver who weighs 500 N steps off a diving board that is 10 m above the water The diver hits the water with kinetic energy of?
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Is a hammer held above a nail kinetic energy?

No, the word 'Kinetic' literally means moving. So Kinetic energy literally means moving energy. If your hammer is above a nail then it is not moving... and so it is not kinetic energy.

What type of energy is a curve ball is it kinetic?

Basically, if it moves, it has kinetic energy. And if it is above ground level, it has gravitational potential energy.

Is Kinetic energy a solid liquid or gas?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Heat is a form of kinetic energy (the movement of individual atoms or molecules) so the liquid phase contains more kinetic energy than the solid and the gas phase has more kinetic energy than the liquid phase. However, kinetic energy can also be imparted to a mass as a whole in which case if the total mass of the phases was constant the this imparted kinetic energy would be the same for all phases.

When you hold a ball above ground does it have kinetic energy?

Potential, changing to kinetic when you release it and it falls.

Did wind possesses both kinetic and potential energy?

Blowing wind has kinetic energy. This can be transformed into electrical energy using a turbine to transform the wind into rotational kinetic energy and a generator or alternator to convert the rotational kinetic energy to electrical energy. Water above a dam has potential energy from gravity and also from the weight of the water around it. Once it is moving or flowing down through the pipes it then has kinetic energy.

Does wind turbins convert potentia lenergy kinetic energy or thermal energy into its original potential energy?

None of the above ... Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy.

Is it possible to have kinetic and potential energy at the same time?

yes it is, but you can only have kinetic energy of the object is in motion and potential energy if the object is any height above zero

Dropping an iron ball is kinetic energy?

Anything in motion has kinetic energy. KE=1/2 m v^2 The ball starts with potential energy due to its height above the ground. The energy is converted to kinetic energy as the object accelerates.

When you hold a ball above the ground does it have kinetic energy?

Yes and no. When the ball is at its highest point, it is storing potential energy. when it is moving back down, the potential energy turns into kinetic energy, and so forth. But when the ball is done bouncing, it doesn't technically "store" energy.

Is heat mechanical energy?

Heat is defined as the sum total of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a body. From the above sentence kinetic energy is one of the two forms of mechanical energy and theother is potential energy. Kinetic energy is enery found in a body by the virtue of its motion. Therefore, if kinetic energy is used to measure heat, heat is mechanical energy.

When could a rock have kinetic and potential energy?

When it moves it has kinetic energy. And when it is above the chosen reference level (for example, above ground level), it has potential energy. A common practical situation is that an object falls down. When it starts falling, it has only potential energy; when it reaches ground level, it has only kinetic energy. At any point in between it has both.

How can the work-kinetic energy theorem explain why the force of sliding friction reduces the kinetic energy of a particle?

Work = change in Kinetic Energy Because friction acts in the opposite direction of the motion of an object, kinetic energy must be decreased in order to maintain the above equation. Friction opposes motion. Friction converts the kinetic energy of a particle into heat and sound.