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Q: A bicyclist in the Tour de France crests a mountain pass as he moves at 18 kmh. At the bottom 4.0 km farther his speed is 80 kmh. What was his average acceleration (in ms2) while riding down the mount?
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What happens to the acceleration due to gravity as you move farther away from the center of the earth?

The acceleration due to gravity decreases as you move farther away from the center of the Earth. This is because gravity weakens with distance according to the inverse-square law.

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As the ball falls farther below the point of release, its velocity will increase. This is due to the acceleration caused by gravity pulling the ball downward. The acceleration will cause the ball to speed up as it falls.

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Where would you weigh the least amount on a mountain or an airplane?

Whichever puts you farther from the center of the Earth.

How does acceleration effect a papper air plain?

Acceleration affects a paper airplane by determining how quickly it gains speed or changes direction. Increasing acceleration can help the paper airplane fly farther or perform aerobatic maneuvers, while decreasing acceleration may cause the paper airplane to slow down or lose altitude. Balanced acceleration is key for optimal flight performance.

Did the acceleration of the marble increase as it traveled down the ramp?

Yes, the marble's acceleration increased as it traveled down the ramp because the force of gravity acting on it remained constant, but the distance covered by the marble increased. This results in a higher acceleration due to the increased speed gained as it moved farther down the ramp.

The value of acceleration due gravity at mountain?

Technically, the acceleration due to gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the earth. That means that the farther from the earth's center you are, the smaller the acceleration due to gravity is. So gravitational acceleration is smaller on a mountain-top or in an airplane. Let's do a little calculation to get an idea of how much it changes. Let's figure out the acceleration of gravity inside an airplane at 35,000 ft above sea level: -- We know what it is at sea level on the equator: 9.78 meters per second2. That's when our distance from the center of the earth is equal to the earth's radius = 3,963 miles. -- When we're at 35,000 ft, we're farther from the center of the earth. 35,000 ft = (35,000 / 5280) = 6.63 miles. So our total distance from the center of the earth is (3,963 + 6.63) = 3,969.63 miles. -- The acceleration (and force) of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of this distance, so the new number is 9.78 times (3963 / 3969.63)2 = 9.78 x (0.9983298)2 = 9.78 x (0.996662) = 9.74736 m/s2 We have discovered that the acceleration due to gravity ... and the weight of every passenger in the airplane ... has become 0.33 percent smaller since they left the ground, because the distance from the center of the earth has increased. If you normally weigh 250 pounds on your bathroom scale, then at 35,000 ft, you weigh only 249.17 pounds.

Is there a difference in air as you go up the mountain?

yes, as you go farther up from the sea level, the air will become thinner.